Bootheel Perinatal Network
Our Goal
Bootheel Perinatal Network (BPN) seeks to develop a sustainable coordination of care, with an emphasis on maternal care. We leverage existing services to combine clinical and community resources to improve maternal and infant outcomes in the Missouri bootheel.
Our Objectives
- Development of a network approach to care.
- Increased access to care before, during and after pregnancy.
- Enhancement of telehealth opportunities.
- Development of a sustainable financial model in collaboration with network partners and payer representatives.
- The Bootheel Perinatal Network includes Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott and Stoddard counties.

Available Resources for Pregnancy and Beyond
- WIC Program
- Diapers
- Doula
- Transportation
- Food Bank
- Home Visiting
- Parents as Teachers
- Breastfeeding
- Medical Care
- Head Start
- Support Groups
- Poison Control
- And Much More

Are you pregnant or have a child under 12 months of age? If so, contact Bootheel Perinatal Network at 573-979-9203 to share what it is like to be pregnant or parenting in southeast Missouri. Your story will help to drive needed changes to improve the health and opportunities for mothers and families in the Bootheel.

- BoRN is a collaborative effort between Bootheel Perinatal Network, Bootheel Babies and Families, University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Unite Us.
- BoRN is a coordinated care network of health and social service organizations
- BoRN is eager to grow its impact in deep collaboration with service providers and the community as a whole and seeks to:
- We keep people at the center of all we do.
- We work to shift how our community delivers services past transactional crisis management to long-term, proactive care coordination.
- We are building an open ecosystem of supports that extends beyond any one technology platform, service provider, or sector.
- We pursue true co-ownership of BoRN’s systems, resources, insights, and outcomes across providers, service seekers, and our community as a whole.
- Partners in the network are connected through Unite Us’ shared technology platform, which enables them to send and receive electronic referrals, address people’s social needs, and improve health across communities.
- The BoRN Platform technology facilitates closed-loop referrals across multi-sector providers of health and social services
- Zero cost for community partners participation in platform
We invite social service and healthcare providers throughout the Bootheel to join us in building this powerful and responsive network of community care. To learn more, contact Bootheel Babies and Families.